TORQUE Fitness 6 FOOT Combination Storage/Dip/Plyo Rack

$ 3,102.00


Included with the 6 foot Combination Storage/Dip/Plyo Rack are two 6′ accessory trays that can be mounted flat to hold medicine balls, wall balls, kettlebells, or angled to support hex head dumbbells, and one horizontal weight storage beam that includes six weight pegs spaced so that 45 lb plates can fit in every position. The 3″ x 3″ 11 gauge rack keeps your bumper or Olympic plates and accessories organized. Multiple holes are included in the 3″ x 2″ 11 gauge frame for adjusting the height of the trays and weight storage.

The weight storage rack comes paired with our next generation Dip and Plyo. The Dip can be easily removed and the Plyo can be vertically adjusted on pegs and removed. The storage rack must be secured to the floor to perform dip and plyo movements.

*Length of one accessory tray is 73.8 in (187.4 cm) which can be used to determine what size dumbbells and other accessories will fit on each tray


PRODUCT DIMENSIONS 134.8” x 24.0” x 59.0” (342 cm x 61 cm x 150 cm)
PRODUCT WEIGHT 140 lbs (153 kg)