TROY Pro-Style Curl Barbell with Black Rubber Plates, Chrome bar, and Black Rubber Endcaps
Type Free weights
Vendor Troy Barbell & Fitness
Distance Between Collars: 32.25”
Product Options:
Available in: 20-115 lb. in 5 lb. increments
Product Description: Our Rubber Encased Barbells are all pre-assembled to meet the standards required for any commercial application. All of our pro style barbells use solid steel bolt design. These barbells consist of straight or curl bars and feature deep set knurling for functional performance and top-of-the-line TROY rubber-encased plates. The rubber-encased end caps include the TROY name and numbers for easy identification.
Product Options:
Available in: 20-115 lb. in 5 lb. increments
Product Description: Our Rubber Encased Barbells are all pre-assembled to meet the standards required for any commercial application. All of our pro style barbells use solid steel bolt design. These barbells consist of straight or curl bars and feature deep set knurling for functional performance and top-of-the-line TROY rubber-encased plates. The rubber-encased end caps include the TROY name and numbers for easy identification.